Parkview Women and Children's Hospital
This art is in the waiting room area for labor and delivery. Waiting families and friends can find Indiana related items in the work of art on the wall. Can you find all the hidden items?
- 19 (Indiana is the 19th state to enter the Union)
- Anthony Wayne
- Dan Quail
- Dizzy Garfield
- Carol Lombard
- Fort
- Giraffe
- 1816 (Year Indiana joined the Union)
- Idiana State Shape
- Indy 500 Car
- Johnny Appleseed
- LaSalle
- Lincoln
- Miami Indian
- Cardinal (State Bird)
- State Flag
- State Flower Peonies
- State Motto
- State Seal
- State Tree Tulup
- Stork Delivering Baby
- TV Tube Inventor
- Wells; A scount for Anthony Wayne
- Wright Brothers Biplane